🌟 Objective: You are tasked with create a Search input component animation, giving you the freedom to change its style and add innovative elements.

**💾 Sample:**


🔧 Requirements:

<aside> ✅ Submission 🕒 Time Required: 1.5 hours.

📅 Delivery Time: July 5th, 11:00 PM.


<aside> 📦 Deliverables

My Submission:

Search Bar Animation - Naseeb.gif

Figma file Link: https://www.figma.com/design/3Z7rxkSLOXd8pWx7O0u0bC/Super-Powered-Designers?node-id=30-30&t=VKlHgaeHrKRsq9qv-1

Jitter file Link: https://jitter.video/file/?id=xHf0bA9MOAaECUL0XTxotXDm&source=share_button